Much and Many is a term used to denote the quantity. The two terms differs in the manner that they can be used. ”Most” is More and “Many”is More.
Many is used with countable nouns. The word is used in the comparison.
Here are some example
How many time do i want to tell you?
How many book you have read?
How many people are in classroom?
How many fruits are there on the tabe?
How many seats are available in the theater?
How many miles had he ridden in the morning?
My friend has so many relative in the Moscow
How many apple do you want?
How many bottle of milk you have bought?
How many brothers and sisters you have got?
Most is the word used to refer “greatest in quantity” or “majority of instance”.
Here are some examples
Most people like chocolate.
Most of the seats are taken.
I think most people wound.
She had a most expression face.
I don't eat meals, but i like most type of fish.
Most things happen for a reason.
I finished most of my packing yesterday.
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