Live and Let Live - Lean from Story #12

Once there was a big pool near a village. The villagers used the water from the pool for drinking and for other purposes also. The pool was abounded with fish.
Once a fisherman went fishing to the pool. He cast his net into the pool and sat down. But he was very impatient. So, he tied a long string to a small stone. Then put it into the pool, he began to stir the water to drive more fish into his net.
A villager saw him do so and asked him not to make the water muddy. But the fisherman didn't listen to him and went on beating the water and making it dirty. So, the villagers brought some companions armed with weapons. Seeing them, the fisherman got scared. He drew out his stone and apologized."
Abound - exists  in large  numbers and  amount
Impatient - having  or  showing a tendency  to be very quickly  irritated
Cast - throw something forcefully in a specified  direction
Muddy - covered  in or  full of mud /  dirty-looking
Companions - a person or animal with who spend a lots of time or with whom one ravel.