Save your Mind
Learn English Through Story
There was a king. The king used to give food to Brahmans. One day while he was serving food to them, a snake which had been caught by an eagle, dropped some poison on the food. The king did not see this happen. The food had become poisonous and the Brahmans died.
Now yamdut became confused. Who should be held responsible for this karma? The eagle was not guilty because the snake was its food. The snake was not responsible because the poison was its defense weapon. The king was not guilty because he did not see it. And Brahmans were not guilty because they ate the food out of good faith.
In the meanwhile a person had come from another place to meet this king who used to give food to Brahmans and he asked a lady, “Where is the palace of that king”? The lady said, “The kings palace is over there but he is a Brahman killer!!!”
Yamdut put all the karma of that incident in the account of that lady!!! This is what is happening in all of our lives. Every person is bounded by his karma, planets, food, company and place except enlightened ones. 95% of bondage is due to karma and planets.
A person is doing some karma and you criticize that person- that karma done by him is added to your account. That is why I see that even those who are doing sadhna properly are getting ill. Why? Because they are habituated to criticizing and hating. Because they are also bound by their karma and the planets and are not doing anything to rise above their effects.
If you criticize someone and say, “You are wrong”, then you are more wrong.
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